Being in your feminine energy is a lot more than just wearing a dress and lipstick, although that can be a part of it. I am speaking about femininity from the inside out. AKA your feminine spirit.
Femininity can be defined as “the quality or nature of the female sex : the quality, state, or degree of being feminine or womanly.”
When our spirit exhibits feminine qualities, we are using our feminine energy and we are in our Divine feminine power. This is as known as our Goddess self. Various sources have a lot of information on how to become a goddess and how to use your feminine energy, but this may have left you to wonder why exactly is this important? Today I will give you 3 key reasons why being in your feminine energy is important.
First, a little science: Everything in the universe is made up of energy even us as human beings. This energy comes in two forms, masculine energy and feminine energy. This has nothing to do with gender, we all have both masculine and feminine energies within us. Men commonly have dominantly masculine and less feminine energy; while women typically, have dominantly feminine and less masculine energy. It is in fact a balance of both Yin and Yang. Whether conscious of it or not, you are emitting energy at all times. Because we are constantly emitting energy it is important as a women to be in our divine feminine.
1. To be authentic

As a woman it’s literally in our genetic makeup. Being in your feminine power is what allows you to connect to your authentic self. When you align with your truth deep within your core, you will experience freedom. Freedom from choices. Freedom from oppression from others choice of who you should and shouldn’t be. By cultivating a closer relationship with the Divine feminine within us, we are freed from the matrix of life and from being bound by rules and authorities that are not our own.
2. To be magnetic
Being in your feminine energy is also, becoming magnetic. Becoming one with your true divine self means that you have the ability to attract people and opportunities that align with your inner being… Say you are in a very masculine role at work that is very unfulfilling, being in your feminine power can attract an opportunity for a job that utilizes your creative side. Allowing you to be yourself. This will make you feel more whole and complete as a woman.

Being magnetic not only includes opportunities but also people. Feminine energy thrives in community with other women. It is only natural for us to want to socialize and befriend other women. When divinely feminine women are in connection with other divinely feminine women it creates a safe space to grow, share, and empower each other. On behalf of our authenticity, we attract the kind of women who are heart-centered and better align with our values.
Not only can we attract women in friendships with our feminine aura, but we can also attract our love interest – men. Not the one that texts you after 11 PM. I mean your true love interest, made especially by Goddess, for you. The man in which you dream about almost every night but have yet to meet. This man will make you feel safe, like you can relax into his masculinity. This is because of the polarity attraction between your feminine and his masculine energy.
3. To be mindful
Being mindful is experiencing the present consciously and intentionally for deeper enjoyment. You’re able to experience the present by using your 6 senses. Take note of your surroundings. When you’re being in your feminine energy, you are more aware of what goes on around you. What do you hear? See? Smell? Taste? What is your intuition telling you? The divine feminine within us is grounded to the moment. When we get out of our heads and into our bodies, we have profound appreciation for life.
We have been living in a society that has taught you to suppressed your sacred feminine energy and to be in more of your masculine energy. Masculine energy is the “doing” energy, while feminine energy is the “being” energy. Society today is teaching us to do more, achieve greater, and push yourself. Over time this can lead to tiredness, stress, and burnout. When we began to understand the feminine power within us, we can shift this imbalance. Opening ourselves up to a life of contentment and harmony.

To harness your feminine energy is to be authentic, be magnetic, and be mindful. In your feminine power you will develop a deeper connection with yourself, meet new friends and love interests, welcome new opportunities, and also experience the present in a way that provides you with ultimate joy and happiness. Of course there are a plethora of benefits of divine feminine energy, these are just a few key reasons I think as a woman, being in your feminine energy is important.